Monday, October 19, 2009

GMarket Hual

Yes! My GMarket parcel is finally here after Speedpost holiday over the weekend.

Look at how the items are neatly placed in the box

I received A FEW surprises from GMarket this time. I got tons of free gifts! Isn't shopping at GMarket great? It was just so coincidentally that my mom needed a pair of socks

This seller included free mask for me too! Most other sellers only give a free soft case but this seller's glasses come with hard case and microfibre cleaning cloth!
URL: Click here to go to seller's page

My Omnia casing has retired. So, I thought I could get the casing from GMarket too. However, they do not seem to know what is Omnia I900. I think they could have used another name over there. I thought I900 is actually M490/M495 over at Korea but it seems that I am wrong. That's so sad because I love this leather casing. The quality is very good!
URL: Click here to go to seller's page

Some shoes were in the parcel too. I think the quality of the shoes are not too bad, at least the shoes are true to picture
URL: Click here to go to seller's page (Black Studded shoes)
URL: Click here to go to seller's page (Green Heels)

However, this seller seems to have sent me the wrong sneakers! I have contacted GMarket about it. Given GMarket's excellent customer service so far, I hope something could be done without much hassle.
URL: Click here to go to seller's page (Red sneaker)

What the seller has sent me:

What I have ordered:

My discount coupons are expiring this coming 22 Oct 2009. Hopefully I can submit my new GMarket orders by then to enjoy the discount

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